Mozilla firefox

Mozilla FireFox is the best browser with meany features and everyone like it, we can say he is the nice prince of the internet.
Now mozilla firefox keeps updating his security & features to give the users the best experience in navigation, but the problem when you try to start some stuff in the new mozilla FireFox versions they won't like some iMacros scripts and meany others things, that's why you must have some old Mozilla FireFox versions to do this.
And to help you finding the mozilla firefox version you are looking for we give you a program called "FireFox Download Tool", this program is portable and does not need to be installed in the computer.

FireFox Download Tool
[Image Credits:]

So in this program you can chose the version you want and the language and also if for x64 or x32.
► You can Download this program from the official page of his creators from here: 

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