Maximize Adsense Revenue

Google Adsense is the Big leader of all Ad Networks and it's the number 1 in the world.
You may join the Adsense ad network and start working on your website, blog or youtube channel and you see no earnings, don't worry it's not an error in the system... it's a mistake in settings that's all.

so to fix the mistakes we will give you the best tips & steps to maximize your Google Adsense earnings.

► Link You Google Adsense With Google Analytics:
Linking your Adsense with analytics make your earnings grow because analytics send exact traffic stats to Adsense and your earnings will be bigger, and you can learn how to Link Analytics with Adsense Here

► Select to best ad size for your website:
Selecting the ad size for your website or blog is so important because some ad sizes can bring more earnings than the others, that's why we advise you to choose the following ad size:
→ 300x250
→ 160x600
→ 728x90

► Report invalid clicks:
You can report invalid click or invalid traffic on your website, blog or youtube channel to Google Adsense Team, and by reporting that you will protect your Adsense Account against bad attacks from haters, bad friends...etc, also you will gain the trust of Google Adsense, and as an advice to you, you must report invalid clicks every 4 days at least, and you can report invalid clicks from the following URL:

► Disable Coupon Ads:
There are some companies use Adwords to advertise on Google Adsense with coupon codes or they buy just cheap ad company, so when they appear on your website, blog or youtube video, you will not earn too much, that's why you should disable them, and here is how to disable them in the following video:

So use these strategies and you will see the results soon.

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