
The Security is the most important thing in the life, and it's most important thing in virtual life too because without security your information is in danger.

in this article, we will tell you all the possible tricks and methods to maximize the security of your computer in the following steps:

Install Antivirus:
Install the antivirus into your computer helps to fight viruses and malware but you must choose the right one and we advise you to use ESET Smart Security

Install Antimalware:
The antivirus can't fight some types of viruses like the malware, worms, and trojan, but anti-malware can destroy them, so it's important to get and antimalware too and we advise you to use Malwarebytes.

Keep your computer always updated:
You must always update your computer via windows updates because Microsoft keeps updating his database for improving the experience and the security of the users.

Don't install suspected applications:
Before you install a new unknown application on your computer you should first test her in Virtual Machine to make sure that it's clean and it's not dangerous for your computer, because it's can be loaded by ransomware.

Don't give control to other people:
Maybe you find some people who ask you to give them control to your computer by team viewer or something like that, and this can happen to much if you are a gamer or play online games.

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